Email = ♥

Some of the most fabulous people I know I've met online through blogging communities. 
My best friends are bloggers, and I love making new blog friends! 

You know what else I love? Email! ♥
I check my email 

I would love my email even more if I heard from YOU!
{Unless you're going to try and convince me to buy something that
I really don't need.}
(And that's pretty much everything that isn't listed on Etsy...)

So, if you have any questions about something listed on my blog, comments you'd rather tell me directly, or just feel like a chat, email me! 


Email Ms.Kristi

{Or, if you'd rather take after my little birds, you can just yell "Muh-ooooooooom" really loud and I {usually} will come running.} 


Pretty please do not take any graphics or writings from this site without my permission. That's called stealing, so don't do it. Mm'kay?

My Photoblog

Repeat By Heart
