
Fact #1:

I don't like free-thought writing about myself. For some reason my anxiety peaks whenever I'm faced with the words "About Me". You know, that interview question your potential future bossman always asks in a condescending tone? "So, tell me a little about yourself." ACK! I suck! Well, no I'm actually quite fabulous, but it's more of a humble fabulous. Yes, that's me, Ms. Humble Fabulous.


So... I found a list! A good list, I think, to help break the ice a bit and let me tell you a little about me.


My top 3 favorite foods?
Sushi, Coffee, Peanut Butter

My favorite color?

My favorite number?

The last book I read and would I recommend it?
American Gods by Neil Gaiman, Absolutely. One of the best reads I've had in years and very easily taken a place in my top 3 of all time.

My favorite place?
Seattle, WA - Washington in general really. Something about it has always captivated me. It is truly a beautiful place.

The last lie I told?
I told my 2 year old we didn't have any more fruit snacks because we are eliminating them from her diet; really there was 1 package left in the cupboard. {Oh the guilt!}

My favorite 3 sports (to watch or participate in)?
I love running, fishing, and tennis.

The last place I went?
I had a fabulous time at the grocery store yesterday. {Where all the cool moms hang out y'know?}

The last thing I did for someone else?
I read to the little birds.

3 places I have never been that I want to visit.
New Zealand, Ireland, and Hawaii.

3 things on my bedside table.
Baby wipes, my netbook, and moisturizer.

The top 3 things that my job requires me to think about?
Are they fed, Do they need a change, Are they happy. Not necessarily in that order.

If I was another person, would I be friends with me?
That all depends. Do I like tall, intelligent, crafty, and wickedly sarcastic/funny people? I do!? Then yes. Most certainly I would befriend me.

If I could play an instrument, what would it be?
I've always loved the cello. I could listen to it for hours.

See? Now that wasn't so hard!

Now it's your turn. You know the drill: Copy, Paste, Blog.

And be sure to leave me a link in a comment, so I can read your answers!


Pretty please do not take any graphics or writings from this site without my permission. That's called stealing, so don't do it. Mm'kay?

My Photoblog

Repeat By Heart
